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Guided Surgery Hands On Featuring Prama Implants

37 Thurber Blvd, Building #2, Smithfield, RI 02917
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Dr. Douglas Smail

Dr. Douglas Smail is a Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon practicing in Latham, N.Y.
Dr. Smail is on the Resident faculty of CDOCS, a part of Spear Education, and regularly teaches hands on courses on Implant Placement and Oral Surgery at their campuses in Scottsdale and Charlotte. Dr. Smail has lectured nationally and internationally on topics such as CBCT Interpretation, Guided Implant Surgery, Surgical Oral Pathology, and Forensic Odontology. Dr. Smail has been a Forensic Consultant to the New York State Police for 30 years. Dr. Smail has done international medical/Dental mission work in 7 different countries for over 30 years.


Description: This course will review fundamental implant surgical concepts with a specific eye towards Prama RF implants. We will also discuss virtual 3D planning for Prosthetically guided implant placement using the Prama RF Guided Surgery kit and Surgical Guides. The course with be lecture based with full hands on training doing guided implant placement on models.

Course Objectives

Attendees will:

  1. Learn fundamental principles of Implant Surgery including flaps, spacing, and osteotomies
  2. Learn Specific surgical advantages of the Prama RF Implant
  3. Learn about 3D virtual prosthetically guided implant planning
  4. Learn about the Guided Surgery kit for Prama RF and the drilling sequence
  5. Use the model and the surgical guide for hands on fully guided placement of a PramaRF implant


October 13th, 2023

Precision Craft Dental Lab, 37 Thurber Blvd, Building #2, Smithfield, RI 02917 GUIDED SURGERY COURSE AGENDA (7:30am-5:00pm)


Lecture 1 – Systematic Evaluation Review (8:00-10:00am)
Lecture 2 – Clinical Evaluation
Lecture 3 – Radiographic Evaluation

BREAK – (10:00 – 10:30am)

Lecture 4 – Instruments, Drills, and Osteotomy Basics (10:30 – 12 Noon)
Lecture 5 – Incisions, Flaps, and Suturing
Lecture 6 – Introduction to 3D Digital Implant Planning

LUNCH (12 Noon – 1:00 pm)

Lecture 7 – 3D Digital Planning for Sweden & Martina Implants
Lecture 8 – Sweden & Martina Implant System Review
Lecture 9 – Sweden & Martina Guided Kit Review

BREAK – (3:00 – 3:15pm)

Lecture 10 – Guided Kit Implant Placement Workflow (3:15 – 4:45pm)
Lecture 11 – Case Reviews of Sweden & Martina Implants
Lecture 12 – Hands on Guided Placement of an Implant on a Model

Q &A

A list of recommended materials will be provided upon registration.

Materials Fee: $149
Breakfast and Lunch: Included


Precision Craft Dental Lab, 37 Thurber Blvd, Building #2, Smithfield, RI 02917


Maximum number of delegates: 20

Contact persons for questions:

Lenore at
Mary Lizotte-Brown at

contact us

930 Albany Shaker Rd., Suite 106 Latham, NY 12110 Email